Garden Plan - 2015: MandalaThis concentric circular garden with 4' wide rows and 2' wide walking paths enjoys full sunshine and lots of mother nature's 4 footed grazers that share in the garden's bounty. Permaculture methods used with layers of cardboard, manure, and soil serve to nurture herbs and root vegetables. No herbicides and insecticides are used. This is a zone 4 garden with a pH of 6.8

Garden Plan - 2015: MandalaThis concentric circular garden with 4' wide rows and 2' wide walking paths enjoys full sunshine and lots of mother nature's 4 footed grazers that share in the garden's bounty. Permaculture methods used with layers of cardboard, manure, and soil serve to nurture herbs and root vegetables. No herbicides and insecticides are used. This is a zone 4 garden with a pH of 6.8

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